Lycrawolf's Day Out 3

The following is written by Lycrawolf. He was wearing the grey and black wolf suit on our day out. He describes his journeying with Tippus and meeting Mortice.

The day started out like any other with a long train journey to get to London. We did the usual shopping in the centre of the city before heading towards the Natural History Museum so we arrive there at 1:45 pm. We (me and Tippus) then met with our other colleague Mortice who was going to be doing the walk about with us. Then we arrived at the front entrance of the Museum at which point there was no turning back .

Upon entering the Museum we found out that all bags had to be searched which we got a bit worried about but still carried on. When Tippus went though the search he ended up chatting to security for a little while about the suit :)

We found out our photographer was going to be late so we decided to start without him and headed to the toilet to get changed into something a lot more conspicuous. After changing into our respective outfits with lots of nerves on my part and a slight wonder about if we were going to get thrown out of the Museum we exited the Toilet and went into the Lobby were we stayed until our photographer arrived at least 20 minutes later.

We were kept busy though waving at all the little kiddies and having our picture taken a lot with little children whom I found out that Tippus was great at entertaining. We did have some more unusual pictures taken, like one with a whole family of Indian people including the elderly grandparents.

Once our photographer managed to find us we started our wander round the museum starting with all around the lobby and its balconies. In nearly everywhere we went we got good reactions from people , 'tuts' and comments from the teenagers, some did wave back and we posed for pics with a few of them. Children kept of following us which was very nice, but for some reason everywhere we went we saw lots of security and lots of radios going off. Eventually in our wanderings we managed to find the exhibit we were searching for . The stuffed animal section which we had great fun in posing for pics, seeing the same kids again and again that we saw earlier.Tippus was still entertaining them and was great. Some of the kids liked him that much they wanted to take him home.

Once we reached the end of the stuffed animal section we thought we might as well carry on and see where it would lead. We turned a corner and there was the whale section which was nice but by this time we had been walking around for nearly 2 hours and we were starting to get hot in our costumes. Once we finished the whale gallery we thought found a toilet and we thought we might as well finish for the day.

It was an interesting experience and I might do it again sometime but no matter what I will remember it always.

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Mortice Deadlock <>