Lots of updates since I last updated this list, but
they're almost all either movies or pictures, so go
to xtube
pictures gallery to see what's new there
(just clicking 'Show me the pics' will start with the
most recently added).
Launched a wiki,
MortiWiki -
a record of (amongst other things)
reviews and experiences with chastity device that anyone can add to.
If you have had any experience with a chastity device that you'd like
to share with the world, please go to the wiki and add your thoughts.
It has only just started, so is a little 'rough around the edges' so far
Moved the old 'chastity ideas' page to the wiki
so you can edit in your own ideas :)
I've had to withdraw the movies as the bandwidth was too much.
If anyone has a site with spare bandwidth that they'd be willing to
use to host the movie files, we'd all be grateful :)
Added the
Lottery based order generator -
create a profile for yourself, configure a list of orders, then some
orders will be sent randomly to your sub (or yourself) based on
lottery results. This is experimental at the moment, so please
let me know how you get on with it.